Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Windchimes and other Garden Decor

Young people fall in love while sitting under a big elm tree on a swing with windchimes blowing in the breezes, serenading them as they gaze deeply into each others eyes while quietly talking of a future together. While listening to the windchimes, they are taken in by the flight of the hummingbird at the hummingbird feeders and marvel at his business. However, they must shake off the serenade of windchimes go tell their parents and get busy for now they have set their hearts on a life together. They go into the kitchen late in the evening to declare to the son's parents their love for each other and their intention of getting married and starting a life together. And they want to get married in our beautiful backyard, under the graceful elm tree with its huge umbrella canopy of green as their cathedral serenaded by windchimes. And, by the way, "We would like to have the reception here, too." Well, if that doesn't call for garden decor, especially new windchimes, that speaks of love what does?

Well, I think that is wonderful! But it is just grass up there. "What's the matter with grass?" my husband would say and maybe you would too, but they want a nice flat surface to set the head table on and to have their first dance on, too. "It will be a little patio under the tree where we can hang windchimes and it will feel so romantic." I suggested to my husband, who doesn't have a romantic bone in his body. "We already have a patio!" he retorted. "And you already have enough windchimes for a symphony." True as that may be it was never a really nice patio and the windchimes are pathetic.

The patio is plain old concrete used for basketball, roller skating and patio tables. It had a huge crack that ran the full width from house to retaining wall. A particularly ugly just-concrete retaining wall that kept the upper levels of the backyard from falling on the ugly concrete patio. The only a place for hanging windchimes was the basketball standard. Not exactly wedding material. And the windchimes that hung on the roof overhang were so old that the wooden clappers had long since turned grey, broken in two or fallen off. Windchimes needed to be replaced with shiny new ones that would sing a cheerful windchimes melody for the happy couple and their guests. I needed this to be spectacular. Beautiful and spectacular for my oldest son and his beautiful, much loved bride-to-be. For some incredibly musical windchimes go to:

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